Am reading a great book Get Off Your “But” by Sean Stephenson. A 32 year old with a fragile bone disease leaving him 3 feet tall, confined to a wheelchair, and with 200 broken bones by the age of 18, Sean faces life with optimism and enthusiasm. Connie and I had the privilege of hearing him speak at a carpet cleaning conference in late 2009 (the carpet cleaning biz may be a dirty business, but it is a great vehicle to meet and be exposed to many fantastic people!)
After a setback at age 9, his mother asked him the question that he says changed his life, “Is this going to be a gift or a burden?” Today Sean has written 4 books, is a board-certified psychotherapist, and is sought after as a public speaker who has inspired millions to choose whether every moment is a gift or a burden.
Encourage all to read this super book! Inspiring me to get off my “but” and do my best!
Find out about Sean